Shell Cookies

1 前言


2 ffmpeg

# -r 指定频率
$ ffmpeg -i xxx.mp4 -r 25 xxx.%05d.gif

3 ab

Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool

-n 总请求
-c 并发数
-t 测试所进行的最大秒数
-k 打开KeepAlive功能


Server Software:        nginx/1.4.6
Server Hostname:
Server Port:            80

Document Path:          /login.html
Document Length:        1935 bytes

Concurrency Level:      100             # 并发数
Time taken for tests:   0.552 seconds   # 测试时间
Complete requests:      1000            # 完成的请求数
Failed requests:        0               # 失败的请求数
Total transferred:      2249000 bytes   # 总共传输的数据量
HTML transferred:       1935000 bytes   # 请求页面大小
Requests per second:    1810.97 [#/sec] (mean)  # 每秒处理的请求数(事务数) 平均值
Time per request:       55.219 [ms] (mean)      # 每次并发耗时 平均值
Time per request:       0.552 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests) # 每次请求耗时 平均值 注:每次请求耗时 * 并发数 = 每次并发耗时
Transfer rate:          3977.41 [Kbytes/sec] received # 网络中传输速率

Connection Times (ms)
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:        5   25  10.5     23      56
Processing:    10   28   8.9     26      58
Waiting:       10   27   8.8     26      58
Total:         28   53  10.9     51      82

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%     51
  66%     55
  75%     58
  80%     64
  90%     70
  95%     73
  98%     75
  99%     80
 100%     82 (longest request)


4 grep

grep -rnw '/path/to/somewhere/' -e "pattern"


5 Emacs

5.1 插入当前时间

C-u M-! date

5.2 Org-mode

5.2.1 Table Sort

C-c ^

6 etags & ctags

cd /path/to/my/project
ctags -e -R *.cpp *.hpp *.h

cd /path/to/my/project
find . | grep ".*\.\(hh\|hxx\|cc\)" | xargs etags -f TAGS

cd /path/to/my/project
find . -type f -iname "*.[ch]" | etags -


`M-.’ (‘find-tag’) – find a tag, that is, use the Tags file to look up a definition. If there are multiple tags in the project with the same name
`C-u M-.’ to go to the next match.
‘M-x find-tag-other-window’ – selects the buffer containing the tag’s definition in another window, and move point there.
‘M-*’ (‘pop-tag-mark’) – jump back
‘M-x tags-search’ – regexp-search through the source files indexed by a tags file (a bit like ‘grep’)
‘M-x tags-query-replace’ – query-replace through the source files indexed by a tags file
`M-,’ (‘tags-loop-continue’) – resume  ‘tags-search’ or ‘tags-query-replace’ starting at point in a source file
‘M-x tags-apropos’ – list all tags in a tags file that match a regexp
‘M-x list-tags’ – list all tags defined in a source file

7 用户篇

7.1 增加用户:

# -s指定shell
# -g指定组名
# -G指定加入组(附加组)
useradd -s /bin/sh -g group –G adm,root gem


7.2 批量增加用户:

# 创建用户
for i in `cat user.list`
    useradd -d /home/$i -m $i
    useradd -g wsng $i
    echo "password" | passwd --stdin $i


7.3 增加用户到组:

  1. 增加一个新用户到主要用户组:

    # 增加用户icecream到wsng
    # -g将新增加的用户初始化为指定登录组,此名必须存在
    useradd -g wsng icecream
  2. 增加一个已有用户到一个已有用户组中

    # 用户icecream不必离开原组
    usermod -a -G wsng icecream
    # 将用户组改为wsng
    usermod -g wsng icecream

8 尾声

冰糖火箭筒(Junjia Ni)


2016-11-10 Thu 13:03

Emacs 25.1.1 (Org mode 9.0)

2016-10-23 Sun 23:09